The Portrait of Continuity is an artwork created by Jirawut Ueasungkomsate. This piece represents through 3 video installations, the aim to experiment with duration and continuity within film. The Portrait of Continuity was created to respond to Kevin Hagopian’s article ‘Time in the Cinema’ which said: “Even those films which use the so-called continuity system of editing to regularize viewers’ understanding of time and space within a narrative, count on the cognition of a skilled viewer to put back together the temporal fragments of real time that cinematic editing shatters. How real time unfolds, film asks, must time be the linear construction we’ve always assumed it is?”
Ueasungkomsate states that he tried to raise the question: “Will a story still be understandable if it is told in the form of a complex linear re-construction?” He also purposefully leaves space in these 3 videos to let the spectator be able to create and interpret the story using their own imagination.
The Portrait of Continuity, 2012, Jirawut Ueasungkomsate
The Portrait of Continuity is part of the exhibition 'Taking Flight', Mid-Year group show of emerging artists on the Fine Art HNC, Kensington and Chelsea College. Private View for 'Taking Flight' is on 15th March 6pm - 8.30pm at Hortensia Gallery, Kensington and Chelsea College and will continue until 23rd March 2012.